The Dinzler coffee roastery in Irschenberg
Coffee the way it should taste - a hot cooperation at first hand
In many offices it is part of everyday life, the fresh scent awakens the spirits and it brings people together - we're not talking about after work, but about coffee. In the hotel and catering industry, too, the demand for the dark drink is as unbroken as ever, and our Gut Steinbach is also faced with the big question of where we get our coffee from, taking our philosophy into account.
Since coffee cherries, which is the correct name before it comes to the bean, like to have warm, prefer areas close to the equator and the rather mild Central Europe is not suitable for this, we decided on the Dinzler coffee roastery in Irschenberg. This is where the raw materials for the exclusive coffee products come from parts of South America and Africa. Under the aspect of sustainability, Dinzler has developed its own seal, which, under the name "Fair traded", purchases part of its coffee directly from producers, pays this directly and there are no coffee exchanges. This means that there is close contact with the farmers and both sides ensure that there is a fair relationship between quality and payment.
The fact that the international market is highly competitive on the one hand, inequality and low prices on the coffee exchanges, and the consumer cannot be convinced of sustainably traded varieties without absolute transparency presents the family business with real challenges. Efforts to buy plantations in South America only work if this step is also certified, because otherwise the consumer would not accept credibility. Unfortunately, certification goes hand in hand with high costs and thus drives up the price of coffee - the point is then quickly reached at which certain prices no longer want to be paid.
A reason that makes it difficult for Dinzler to follow a consistently sustainable path when buying coffee beans. Perhaps that is precisely why the company is committed to environmentally friendly use of resources in other areas of coffee enjoyment and has only recently introduced coffee capsules for standard capsule machines that are compostable but offer exactly the taste experience that Dinzler has stood for for decades. Ultimately, it is up to the coffee drinker what price he is willing to pay for a cup of coffee; in terms of taste, at least the preparation variants using a fully automatic machine, French press, portafilter or the classic filter machine are in no way inferior and are gradually experiencing their own renaissance. The scent of freshly brewed coffee in the filter not only spreads a wonderful scent, but also brings back memories of times when you were too young for coffee, but it found its way into your parents' cups every morning.
Since the Dinzler coffee roastery with its restaurant, coffee bar, shop and vinotheque is located directly at the Irschenberg motorway service station on the A8, it is worth making a stop here on the way to Gut Steinbach. For hot coffee, espresso or flat white (preparation like a cappuccino, but with twice the amount of espresso), we recommend one of the homemade cakes, an Irschenberger Bergspitze or one of the sandwiches and pretzels. Well strengthened, you then start the last 63 kilometers before your well-deserved vacation.